Vilniaus collective gardens vision
Can the suburban gardens around Vilnius become sustainable and vibrant settlements?
Can they become a green belt surrounding the city? To what extent are collective gardens relevant to other European cities?

We answered these questions in the study about Vilnius allotment gardens "Collective gardens revival". The project was presented at prestigious architecture biennales: 2016 in Venice and 2014 in Rotterdam. In 2023 the project was exhibited at the National Gallery of Art in Vilnius.

We explored the history of the emergence and spread of collective gardens in Vilnius, their urbanisation and chaotic change during the years of independence, and proposed visions for further development of collective gardens – in order to reintegrate them into the urban and natural structure, to involve garden communities in the process, and to create self-sustaining communities.

At the exhibitions, we presented a model of Vilnius allotments, an animation about history, problems and proposed strategies, a map of European allotments, and photographs. In Venice, the exhibition was visited and seen by 250,000 people, while in Rotterdam this number was 45,000.

- Type: Research and exhibition display
- Location: Vilnius collective gardens
- Year: 2014–2016
- Exhibitions: Venice Biennale of Architecture 2016, International Architecture Biennale Rotterdam 2014, National Gallery of Art in Vilnius, exhibition "Overseeing 6 ares. Collectuve gardens" 2023.
- PUPA team: Tadas Jonauskis, Justina Muliuolytė, Vaiva Šimoliūnaitė, Edita Gumauskaitė, Lina Vestartė, Jonas Landsbergis, Mantas Šulskus
- Video about history and future visions of allotments gardens is here