Transformation of the industrial district of Enköping
How to convert an industrial suburb of 70 hectares into an attractive urban area?
The industrial district of Myran in Enköping, Sweden, is set to be transformed. The Europan 15 international competition looked at how to do this.

We proposed a neighbourhood concept Live + Work + Innovate, to reinforce the different characters of the Myran district. At the centre of the area is the main public space, a street leading to the train station and the city centre. On one side of the street is an urban environment with offices, shopping centres, apartment blocks and new creative industries. On the other part of the district there is a quiet residential area dominated by small terraced houses and greenery: squares, small parks, green avenues, rainwater collection ponds. We created a multifunctional urban area – lively, convenient and safe.

- Client: Enköping city municipality
- Location: Enköping, Sweden
- Size of the territory: 71,5 ha
- Year: 2019
- Team: Tadas Jonauskis, Lukas Kulikauskas, Ignas Račkauskas, Džiugas Lukoševičius, Rūta Vitkutė, Justina Muliuolytė
- Awards: Special prize in the Europan 15 international competition
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