Sustainable mobility plans
The European Commission aims to significantly reduce car pollution in cities by 2030.
To achieve this, cities are developing strategic documents – Sustainable Urban Mobility Plans. Between 2017 and 2020, we worked with transport experts, transport engineers and economists to develop sustainable mobility plans for Kaunas, Klaipėda and Panevėžys.

A Sustainable Urban Mobility Plan comprises detailed analyses of the existing situation and thematic sections, a programmed urban mobility model, three different alternatives for how mobility should change in the city, a chosen strategy, and detailed actions. Sustainable Urban Mobility Plans cover public transport, mobility of pedestrians, cyclists and people with special needs, electric vehicles, urban logistics, traffic management.

As urban planners, we assessed the cities’ structure, the habits of their residents, the infrastructure of their streets and public spaces, and envisioned how different proposals would change each city. We were also responsible for public and stakeholder engagement and documentation, we also carried out planning based on (public participation) – through regular publicity, feedback gathering, workshops, thematic discussions, excursions, public presentations and events.

- Project type: Strategic documents – Sustainable Urban Mobility Plans
- Clients: Kaunas, Klaipėda and Panevėžys municipalities
- Location: Kaunas, Klaipėda, Panevėžys (Lithuania)
- Year: 2017–2020
- Team: Tadas Jonauskis, Justina Muliuolytė, Lukas Kulikauskas, Rūta Vitkutė, Augustas Makrickas, Ignas Račkauskas
- Project partners: Civitta, Vilnius Tech Teritorijų planavimo institutas, ROM Transportation Engineering
- Awards: Kaunas Sustainable Urban Mobility Plan became a finalist in the sustainable urban mobility awards of Eltis, a European Commission’s programme. The Lithuanian Ministry of Transport and Communications awarded the Klaipėda City Sustainable Urban Mobility Plan for its ambitious vision and the Panevėžys Sustainable Urban Mobility Plan for public involvement and active participation in sustainable mobility initiatives.
Next project: Sports Park in Kyiv