Vision of rebuilding Mariupol after de-occupation

What will life be like in Mariupol after its de-occupation? We were trying to answer this question for almost a year while preparing the vision for the reconstruction of the city.

Mariupol reconstruction vision is part of the project Mariupol Reborn. It was commissioned by the Mariupol municipality team, now operating in exile. Mariupol Reborn has been initiated from the urge to be well prepared for the situation when Mariupol will be de-occupied and will require quick and smooth action to rebuild the community, culture, environment and economy of the city. Mariupol Reborn is the most ambitious urban regeneration project in Europe since World War II. Many international institutions, experts and interdisciplinary teams participate in it.

We created the vision for the reconstruction of Mariupol with an interdisciplinary team - Ukrainian office Big City Lab and brand strategists and researchers CRITICAL + Xwhy Agency of Understanding. We started the project with surveys of residents of Mariupol in various Ukrainian cities, held seminars and workshops with residents and experts, and delved into the situation of the city before the war and during the occupation. The vision of the reconstruction of Mariupol has two parts - a narrative and an urban concept.

We start the ambitious vision of the future of Mariupol with the narrative"What if Mariupol is a reason?". It is a communication strategy to invite people to the city in 5, 15 and 30 years: to return to live, start creating, inspire and set an example for the world. The urban part is the spatial expression of this vision. These are guidelines for how and where to develop residential areas, services, workplaces, public spaces, and transportation infrastructure. A vision of a vibrant, comfortable, safe and progressive city of Mariupol.

Mariupol 2050 reconstruction vision has 4 key themes:

Home for all: Provide home for everyone coming back home to Mariupol.

Strong communities: Create polycentric city and and enhance identity of different neighborhoods, by developing educational and culture places.

Green city at sea: Bring city closer to sea and providing green spaces for healthy living.

Strong new economy: encourage clean industry and knowledge economy, connect city with sustainable mobility network.

What's next? In the fall of 2023, seminars and workshops were held with the teams that created the visions and Mariupol Reborn experts. The visions were summarized and the final Mariupol reconstruction strategy was presented at the beginning of 2024. According to it, a specific action plan for the reconstruction of the city will be prepared.

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