Oak Grove park
Can a park revitalise a Soviet-era housing district?

In 2021, we revived Oak Grove, a park loved by the locals in Klaipėda. It saw new sports areas for teenagers, children’s playgrounds, and exercising areas. As the park is surrounded by residential districts with a higher proportion of elderly people, it was important for us to create an environment that encourages seniors to meet, socialise and lead healthier lives. This led to the creation of various recreational areas by the water and in the woods under the oaks. All these spaces were connected with a circular pathway for walking and active leisure.

Along with Vaidila Square, the Oak Grove park is an example of how old Soviet-era neighbourhoods and their public spaces can take on a modern and welcoming look.

The vision for Oak Grove was first developed in 2015, when we were working on the urban strategy for the whole district. For more about the strategy, see here.

- Client: Klaipeda City Municipality
- Year: 2021
- Location: Klaipeda, Lithuania
- Size of the territory: 8,6 ha
- Team: Tadas Jonauskis, Lukas Kulikauskas, Ignas Račkauskas, Justina Muliuolytė, Augustas Makrickas, Edita Gumauskaitė, Laima Čijunskaitė
- Photos: Norbert Tukaj
Next project: Mariupol city park