New park district in Skopje
How to develop a new residential district near the park while ensuring sufficient density, but maintaining the green character of the former tree nursery? Can the new neighborhood connect adjacent districts of single family houses, industrial hangars and residential apartment blocks?
We answered these questions in the project "Patchwork Habitat", which won third place in the international competition in Skopje, the capital of Macedonia.

“Patchwork Habitat” is a new residential district in Skopje, where mixed use blocks, public and commercial functions, network of streets, alleys and public spaces create a diverse, unique, lively, modern and attractive city district. Different identity neighborhoods surround the green heart - the park. Diversity of functions is provided to ensure livability of the district 24/7. Public functions such as school, kindergarten, church, community house, tea house, market and food hall are spread in the neighborhood and act as public space activators.

Network of high quality public spaces in the big advantage of the district. The main public space is a 10 ha size Rasadnik park. The existing trees and gardens are preserved, however new paths and functions are added. The main path is a circular walking loop, which connects all the neighborhoods, public functions and different character park zones - calm area around the tea house and the community center and active area with sports areas, skateboard park, playgrounds and a pond in the north. Pedestrian avenue is between the park and the urban blocks. Commercial ground floors activate the edge and interaction is created between the indoor and outdoor spaces, the building and the public realm.

- Client: Kisela Voda and Skopje city municipality
- Project type: international urban design competition
- Award: third place
- Location: Skopje, Macedonia
- Size of the territory: 82 ha
- Year: 2023
- PUPA team: Tadas Jonauskis, Lukas Kulikauskas, Justina Muliuolytė, Hristina Sekuloska, Jūratė Volkavičiūtė
Next project: Senvagė Park in Panevėžys